Secondary Certification


Foundations Quarter

以下基础课程的先决条件适用于EDU 2300. 建议学生尽可能同时选修EDU 2100和EDU 2300.

Foundations prerequisites include:

  • Official admission to SPU.
  • Sophomore standing (45 credits).
  • Minimum cumulative 2.8 GPA or 3.0 GPA in last 30 credits or higher.
  • Completed Foundations packet (contact the education office to obtain paperwork).
  • Registered for EDU 2100 和EDU 2300在同一季度完成或者你必须完成EDU 2100.
  • Post-baccalaureate students only: 华盛顿州基本技能测试(WEST-B)及格分数, 华盛顿州教育工作者认可测验(WEST-E/NES), 由教育学院进行成绩单评估.

Methods and Skills courses

这些课程可以独立于彼此和专业宿舍. 课程必须在方法季度之前完成. See the School of Education for more details.


Methods Quarter

方法本学期仅提供秋季学期. A minimum GPA of 2.所有方法课程都要求达到0(“C”). 如果你是二级认证的学生, 你必须为每个获得认可的领域参加方法论课程. 

Methods prerequisites include:

  • Successful completion 基础四分之一的3分.平均成绩为0(“B”),成绩不低于2.0 (“C”).
  • Senior standing (135 credits).
  • Accepted into major. 
  • 申请实习教师认证项目并被录取 to the School of Education. 
  • Minimum Cumulative 3.0 GPA or 3.3 GPA in the last 45 credits.
  • Successful completion 几乎所有必修的专业课程.
  • Receive a favorable recommendation from SPU faculty and staff.
  • Pass ENG 3301,或WRI 1000和WRI 1100, with a grade of  2.0(“C”)或以上(如果被SPU 2012年秋季或之后录取). 
  • Pass EDU 4530 with a minimum GPA 2.0 ( “C”).
  • Fingerprint and pre-residency clearance completed.
  • Official passing scores on the 华盛顿教育工作者技能测验-基础(WEST-B) 教师考试要求或官方SAT/ACT成绩达到最低阅读要求, writing, and mathematics.
  • Take the appropriate 华盛顿教育工作者技能测试-认可(西-东/NES)) for each endorsement being earned.

Integrated and Internship quarters

学生必须在同一学年(冬季-春季)依次上综合学期和实习学期。. A minimum 3.二级实习A和二级实习B要求GPA为0(“B”).


  • Successful completion 在方法季度中没有低于2分的成绩.0 (“C”).
  • 修满15个高年级学分 in your major.
  • Maintaining a 3.0 cumulative GPA or 3.两个季度的最后45个学分中有3个.
  • Official passing score(s) on the appropriate 华盛顿教育工作者技能测试-背书(WEST-E/NES).
    • SPU应该在学生学年的9月1日之前有官方的及格分数. SPU必须收到官方的及格分数,才能允许你注册综合季度.

Additional endorsement

学生有资格完成多重背书的要求. 附加背书应与其密切相关 primary endorsement.


  • History and social studies
  • History and English language arts
  • English language arts and theatre
  • Biology and chemistry
  • Chemistry and physics
  • Physics and Math
  • Elementary- and middle-level math
  • 初级和中级科学
  • 特殊教育与基础教育(参见 Special Education page.)
  • 特殊教育与英语语言艺术(参考 Special Education page.)



Time Schedule: EDU



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