


Professor of Psychology and Biology; Chair of Undergraduate Psychology; Director of Laboratory Facilities

电子邮件: craftb@tianbo588.net
电话: 206-281-2182
办公室: 马斯顿 111

教育: BS, Mississippi College, 2001; MA, University of Montana, 2004; PhD, University of Montana, 2005. 自2006年起在SPU工作.

Dr. Baine工艺 holds a joint appointment as a faculty member in the School of Psychology, 家庭, 社区 and in the 生物系 at 西雅图 Pacific University. In addition, he is the primary investigator in SPU’s Learning and Cognition Lab.

Trained in the area of comparative animal behavior, learning, cognition, Dr. Craft works alongside student research assistants in the Learning and Cognition Lab to study choice-or-foraging behavior. His work focuses on two areas of choice behavior: risk-sensitive foraging and self-control. 特别是, he is interested in how factors such as learning, 延迟奖励, patch quality cause a forager to develop a specific choice bias or change choices.

Dr. Craft teaches courses in Psychology as VocationLearning and Behavior, Cognitive Psychology, 统计数据动物行为.

​Selected publications

工艺,B. B.教堂,A. C.罗巴赫,C. M. & 班尼特J. C. (2011). The effects of reward quality on risk-senstivity in 鼠形. Behavioural Processes, 88, 44–46.

工艺,B. B.萨尔达-佩特里,A. D.布雷尼格,J., & 哈达德,N. F. (2007). The effects of discriminative stimuli on choice behavior in male Siamese Fighting Fish (搏鱼splendens). Perceptual and Motor Skills, 104, 575–580.

 请查看 Dr. 工艺的简历 (PDF) for additional publications. 



Baine工艺, Professor of Psychology

“西雅图 Pacific University stands in a unique place in higher education. We are small enough that students can interact directly with faculty, but we are big enough to provide students with exceptional job skills and opportunities such as research and internships. All of this with an emphasis on understanding, 集成, practicing one’s faith within a specific academic discipline. For me, I love that balance, that is why I teach at SPU.”